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Tag – Nginx

Let's Encrypt with Alternative ACME Client

I recently was tasked with installing Let’s Encrypt on a server running an old version of Debian (Squeeze) which was due to have its certificate expire. Unfortunately, this meant following the path of setting up certbot and a cron job as outlined in Let's Encrypt Quick Setup -- which basically follows the...

New Django Server Setup: Part 2

In Part 1 of this article, we discussed our choice of typical server stack and the general packages that we find useful upon an initial installation. Part 2 will focus on setting up the site environment and configuring the system services. As mentioned before, at Imaginary, this setup process is normally automated...

New Django Server Setup: Part 1

A core challenge of setting up a Django project is creating a production-worthy server environment and project setup.  At Imaginary Landscape, we've put a lot of thought into how to accomplish this task in an intuitive and flexible way.   The goal of this article is to detail the default setup...

Our Django Server Setup: How and Why

One of the most important decisions you make in the process of building a new Django application is what software stack you use to serve it to the world. You're not lacking for options: people run Django on Apache, lighty, nginx, and Cherokee. You also need to decide how to...

Permission Based File Serving

One issue I've run into a couple times while working with Django is the need to serve files to users based on permissions. The first situation occurred with a store we were building that would allow for electronic versions of books to be sold. These books would typically be distributed...
