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Are we the right fit?

Are we the right fit?

Before we jump into a new client relationship we ask lots of questions. We expect you to do the same. Do we have an appropriate level of service to exceed your expectations? Is our technical expertise suited for the work? Do we offer the services you need? We want to cultivate a lasting relationship that grows with your business. Because your success is our success.

Commitment to Service

Personal service is at our very core.

You'll experience this the moment you connect with us. We'll take the time to understand your needs. We encourage direct communications between our staff and yours without intermediaries. We care for websites 24 hours a day and immediately respond to any oddness. If you call us, we'll call back - right away. It's just that simple.

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Technology Profile

There are two kinds of clients - those that care about the technology and those that don't. If you just want your website to be excellent and couldn't care less about the tech, skip down to the next section.

If you're still here, let's get geeky. We specialize in Python and more specifically the Django framework. In support of this core competency, we have developed a collorary specialty in ReactJS.

Django is a comprehensive framework. At last report it is running some of the most trafficked and comprehensive websites in the world - Bitbucket, Instagram, Pinterest, Eventbrite, Evite, PubMed (and these are just the gorillas, there's also PBS, National Geographic, MIT, CalTech, Harvard, on and on). The point is, there's plenty of horsepower under Django's hood.

There's also plenty of adjacent technologies that are needed in order to serve a modern website and Imaginary has expertise in most, including those shown.


python software
react reactjs
wagtail cms
django rest framework
postgresql postgres

Hosting Platforms

Imaginary utilizes top-tier cloud-based hosting companies for our client sites. The cloud offers low entry costs and exceptional scaling - the perfect combination for a new or growing business. Imaginary has experience and relationships with all the major cloud hosting providers to match your needs perfectly, from the simple to the complex, including:

  • Single server for proof of concept
  • Multiple servers (web, database)
  • Load-balanced web nodes
  • Multiple database nodes (primary, replica)
  • Asynchronous workers


amazon aws cloud hosting
google cloud hosting
rackspace cloud hosting
heroku cloud hosting

Industries Served

Since 1995, we've served an array of industries, diving deeply into each project to fully understand the environment in which we are working so we can best serve our clients. 

The following list represents the industries where we have multiple years of experience.

  • Agencies (white label)
  • Associations
  • Broadcast
  • Distributors
  • Foundations
  • Government
  • Healthcare
  • Higher Education
  • Hospitality
  • Information Technology
  • Insurance
  • Legal
  • Libraries
  • Research
  • Retail
  • Security
  • Start-ups
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Services Offered

Imaginary offers a special blend of both business and technical expertise, from providing technical know-how, to building complex business solutions to maintaining rock-solid stability.

  • Application development
  • Ecommerce implementation
  • Portals & dashboards
  • Integrations (API, SSO, 2FA, payments)
  • Custom design
  • Brand continuity
  • Responsive layouts
  • Accessibility
  • DevOps
  • Maintenance & upgrades
  • 24/7 response
  • Code reviews
  • Informational design
  • Testing suites
  • Documentation services
  • Security audits
  • Accessibility audits
  • Usability studies
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What's Next?

We'd love to hear from you.

Ask a question and we'll answer it, no obligation whatsoever. Reach out and we'll reply right away and do our very best to determine if we might be of assistance.  

Need more structure? Visit our RFP Submission Form.

Not ready yet? No problem.

Imaginary's expertise in the underlying technology was invaluable in the rebuild of the CCA site.  Their flexibility in working with us in collaborative sprints made the process smooth and the knowledge transfer easy.

- Guy DiSiena, City of Cleveland